
"Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves." Lao Tzu

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 4 and 5 Challenge Results

Day 4:
Pushups/tuck jumps: 6      
press ups with 8lb kettle bell: 33
triple plank jumps: 3 counted them as one complete set of both sides
sit ups knees to chest extension: 12
The abs was my best one of the 4 exercises. Upper body is what I need to work on more and I can't wait until I am at the end of this program to see my results.

Day 5:
High knees 4 x 75 and leg raises 4 x 25
Time completed: 10:12
This was a hard week for me getting back into the swing of things with work, school, and my kids. Through it all I completed each task to its fullest and pushed through when my mind wanted to quit. I am very proud of how I did and hope that I will bring that time down as I complete this 30 day challenge. Congrats to all that have completed week 1 and I look forward to seeing you guys in week 2. Rest this week but don't fall off. Your body at this moment wants to stop but don't let that signal travel to your brain. Football will be on this weekend and I know that couch and the football food is calling but don't let it get you off track. Continue to fight and I will be here tomorrow letting you know how my weekend went. Until then, I say good night and have a safe and happy weekend.

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