
"Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves." Lao Tzu

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What's next?

Hello everyone. I am glad that my running community is keeping up with the plan and is doing well. So today was the big day. I went back to the doctor to find out what I got and why my thyroid was enlarged. The ultra sound and the scan confirmed that I do have hyperthyroidism but I have several nodules on both sides of my thyroid that are not cancerous. So my options are medication, radiation, and surgery. Medication is ruled out because the cause of my thyroid being overactive is the nodules so taking medication will only mask the problem. So that leaves radiation which will shrink the nodules but the downside is I could go to hypothyroidism and have to take meds to balance my thyroid. The surgery is the other option and I was all for that until I got to the downside. With surgery there is the risk of damaging the vocal cords as well as damage to my parathyroid glands in the back which put me on medication for life to balance my thyroid and to make sure my blood-calcium levels stay normal. So the decision I have made is to do the radiation. The decision was not made lightly. Either choice there is a big possibility that I will be taking meds afterwards. So I want to do the radiation to see if it will work and if not, then surgery will be the next step.

I post this for all to see because it is very important to go for yearly checkups. You should get your blood tested and tell the doctor everything that is bothering you. Never dismiss an ache and pain if it continues to occur because it could be a sign of something bigger. In previous entries I stated that I get one every year so this was a big surprise because the tiredness, the hair loss, sweating started to about 4 to 5 months ago. If you are reading this, please take the time out to take care of yourself. There is only one you and if you have kids you want to be in the best health as possible for your children. I am going to get off my soap box now and tell you how the rest of my day went.

Running this morning was wonderful. I was a little distracted due to my appointment today but I got through my run and I felt good about it. I also started using the lose it website to log my food and I feel good about being accountable for my workouts and eating habits. That is the key. If you do not like how the workout or not seeing the pounds come off, look at what you are doing. You have to account for everything that you are trying to do be a better yourself so why not jot down what you are doing so you can have a blueprint and change where needed. Please also remember that things don't change overnight. You didn't get lazy overnight, put the pounds on overnight, or start putting yourself on the backburner so give it time.

So don't wait until New Years to change, start now. Is if you are Living, Inspiring, Nourishing, Dreaming, and Ascending to a better you. The moment you decide where you are amongst those words the sooner you can change for yourself and people will truly see the beauty in you and what you are truly worth. I will see you guys tomorrow and take care. :-*

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